Friday, January 02, 2009

2008 - Year In Review

Bonjourno My Friends,

2008... What a year, huh?! Where to begin? Despite likely going down in the history books as another 1929 (the year the economic hens came home to roost) the Lapchis Family's 2008 was another celebration of what life has to offer. Thus, sit back and enjoy the memories!


Early in the morning, January 1, 2007, we celebrated the new year. The sparklers gave us some good pics.

Mark, partying like a rock star... yeeeaah, totally dude!


Fresh into the new year, we were greeted with a busted drain pipe, which connected to our sewer line, and was flooding the basement. Happy Happy Joy Joy! Thus, after getting a few stinky quotes, I decided to roll up my sleeves and fix it myself. It wasn't the most pleasant way to start the year, but turned out to be a very satisfying process and project.


In February, we headed out to La Push with Keith and Nancy, and were blessed with unbelievable weather and an incredible experience.

This part of the Washington Coast is one of my favorite places in the world. It's a magical place... still wild... very spiritual... unpredictable... full of wonder. A great place to recreate and recharge the batteries.

Below is a picture of the main beach where we stayed, with the "two gorillas" in the background (two huge rock formations, resembling a male and female gorilla)

One of the main draws of this great place is the water... constantly ebbing and flowing, waving and splashing... I can sit there and watch it for hours.


In late January, we went to the Seattle Boatshow with Louise's cousin Brian Richardson, and he turned me on to the great sailing club WindWorks in Shilshole Marina. By mid February, I was taking lessons and enjoying some great time on the water.

Sailing provided us with some good times, including a few chilly dips into Elliot Bay.


It was a huge year for politics with Barack Obama becoming the first African-American President. I spent some time campaigning for Ron Paul, and doing the delegate thing at the standing room only GOP Caucus. The huge numbers of people getting involved this past political season was at times very exciting... time will tell how it will play out.


On an overcast day we decided to get out of the house and head to the Seattle Center for some fun... the fountain rarely lets us down... will it get you wet or not?!

The kids had the pleasure of a couple of Easter Egg Hunts this year... one at Margaret and Mark's and another and Grandpa Doug and Jennie's.


With her Boston qualifying marathon from last year, Louise and I headed to the east coast for the Boston Marathon in April. It was a great vacation, and a wonderful time for the two of us to get away and enjoy each other's company... marathon excitement, cuddling and sleeping in, lots of history, coffee shops and good times. It was definitely a highlight of the year.

L waiting in line, with 26, 000+ other runners, for her number.

On race day, the runners wait to load on the buses that will take them to the starting line.

I caught up with Louise around mile 17... she looked good and strong. Unfortunately, I was unable to hookup with her at the finish line for a photo op. Hundreds of thousands of people converge on the city for the marathon, and she crossed the finish line before I could get back to it. Bottomline, she did it!

We stayed in a cute, little bed and breakfast. The owner ran a bakery across the street, which treated us with fresh, yummy baked goods.

Outside the historic, and very interesting Boston Library.

Believe it or not, as Louise and I were walking to the start line on race day, we saw this wild turkey walking down the sidewalk... I kid you not... it was hilariously surreal.

Being in Boston, I had to go see what "Norm" was up to.


Besides the Boston Marathon, Louise also ran the Seattle Half Marathon this year. The conditions were perfect and she had another great run.

Some little critters escaped the treacherous claws of Flopsy, and found their way into our crawl space... thus, ife has its ups and its downs. Ben was definitely intrigued and all up for helping me out, and did some amazingly tough, stinky, sweaty work along the way. Luckily it wasn't total infestation... a few rodents, not dozens. Anyway, Ben and I got in there and let'em know who was boss.

Margaret and Mark treated Abbi to another series of horse lessons and experience... Abbi is ready to move to Vashon Island and live on a farm.

Ben was born with a serious fishing gene in his little body... he practically sleeps with his tackle box, and jumps at every opportunity to cast his hook in the water. Whether it was with Louise's cousin Curt, Grandpa at Hood Canal, or Grandpa Doug at the 20 Acres, Ben had many fishing tales to tell this year.

Fish Heads, Fish Heads... Roly Poly Fish Heads!

Ben shows off some of the catch ready for eating.

Our family was fully immersed in soccer this past year, with oddly enough everyone playing on a team except me... although, I was fortunate enough to be involved in coaching Abbi and Ben's teams, while Louise helped coach Alli's team. Louise also started playing co-rec and managed a newly formed team.

Alli continued to live her life full of vim and vigor... lots of emotion, wonder, and joy. She also became a fish and swam whenever given the chance... many times wanting to swim longer distances than we thought she was ready for... it was great to see her become so comfortable in the water.

We headed out to Carnation for what has become an annual tradition of strawberry picking... with strawberry shortcake for dinner! The berries were small this year, but good flavor... we're still eating off the frozen berries with our morning smoothies.

In 2008, we decided to sell one of the cars and bike more around town. Well, both Louise and I can report that it worked out better than expected. There have been few times that we have been unable to proceed with our plans. We are fortunate to live close enough for both of us to commute to work via bike, which is not only good for our health, but good for our budget. It wasn't a decision we made lightly, but luckily it has turned out to be a life-style change that we are glad we made. FYI, L's commute is about an hour each way... mine about 45 minutes... we are also able to supplement with the Metro Bus.

It doesn't take much to have fun and create memories in the back yard... three monkeys hanging from the tree... brings joy to my heart.

Louise turned the big 4-0 this year... uh, I mean 29. Well, she's definitely not slowing down any, and may have secretly tapped into the fountain of youth... but she's not telling!

Here we celebrate with some yummy hors d'oeuvres, before heading out for dinner.


As I've mentioned in the past, Schmidtz Park is one of our favorite places... 2008 was no exception.

Building a cool fort...

One of our favorite spots within the park

This was a great experience... 1/2 hour earlier it was sunny, and then the clouds blew in, the wind picked up, and the leaves started dropping all over us. Shortly after, the rain came.

Cool waterfall area...

We were blessed once again in 2008 with the loving childcare of Margaret Hartt, who helped our family on the days that Louise and I both worked. Both Mark Paris and Margaret have been gems to have next door... much to celebrate with them! Three Cheers to great neighbors... Hip Hip Hooray! Hip Hip Hooray! Hip Hip Hooray!

Speaking of celebrating life and good times, we had numerous outings and get togethers with friends this past year... too many to mention them all here. But, for those whose paths we did cross, thanks for the memories and good times... for those we haven't seen in a while, may our paths cross in 2009. Cheers to you all.

On one of those occasions, we received a surprise visit from Matt and Kim Robinson, shortly after returning from their South American Adventure. Matt and I worked together at KrekowJennings, and he was the person who turned me on to Kombucha... home-made I might add... and on that note, Kim has become quite the chef these days! They are now residing in Portland, Oregon adding charisma, character, and charm to the city of roses.

Speaking of celebrating, I've wanted to do the following for a long time... I feel the television more than anything else has mesmerized too many Americans citizens into becoming apathetic, misinformed, blindly-obedient consumers... all I can say is don't trust the mainstream media... and think for yourself... and while you're at it... Kill Your Television!

In August we enjoyed a nice treat from Grandpa Doug and Jennie, as we stayed in a place they had rented in Point Roberts, Washington. Point Roberts is one of the most unique pieces of property in the United States... check it out here.

There are great beach areas to explore, beautiful shots of the San Juans and Mount Baker, and great marina traffic cruising by. On one sunset evening, we witnessed the most spectacular Orca breaching we had ever seen. It was a pod of what seemed to be close to 10 whales, and they put on a show for close to 20 minutes... it was wonderful!

Lots of drift wood for beach fires and forts.

Lucy joined us for another summer trip... turning 14th this year.

The Fleck and Miller families were able to make the journey from Bellingham and we enjoyed a nice sunny day together with them. Grandpa Doug and Great Grandma Helen showed up the next day, and it was time to get the "fold-a-boat" in full swing, and catch some fish...

... out in the big ocean!

No television... no stereo... no laptop... for a relaxing week, it was a great opportunity to spend some good quality time with family and friends.

August continued its business with our annual pilgrimage to sunny, warm Hood Canal to celebrate Grandma and Grandpa's birthdays... both born on August 15th!

Alli and Abbi were both life-jacketless this past summer, and swimming all over like a couple of fish.

Ben was out catching crab for dinner...

and Alli was in the trenches, collecting her clam limit.

Besides collecting the delicious seafood bounty, we also planted some clam seeds on the beach for future dinners. Here Laura and Louise wrap up the final touches tying up the baby clam containers.

Relaxing after an activity filled day.

Owwwoooooo... to the full moon over the canal!

Hamming it up in the dark.

This year Doug and Kay also rented kayaks, and we toured all around the canal... it was another great August memory.

In September, we headed out to Deception Pass for a weekend camping trip with Grandma Sherry and Grandpa Mel. Unlike the relatively dry trips in the past, this trip turned out to be a rather soggy experience but we made the best of it and had a great time.

I wasn't sure when I purchased this little rain tent, but we've used it numerous times to save the day on a rainy occasion.

I love the effect of this night shot of the campfire... cool.

We missed Kristin and Tyler this year at Deception Pass, but hooked up with them several times throughout the year.

One beautiful day in early October, the kids spent the day with Grandma Sherry and Grandpa Mel, while Louise and I headed up to Snoqualmie Pass to tackle Granite Mtn.

The hike is great... quite strenuous, with a 4, 000 ft ascent, which wouldn't be something the kids would enjoy at their age. The hike up definitely gets the blood flowing, but once near the top the freezing temps, snow, and wind can cool you down fast.

The frozen pond below had some neat, artistic ice formations in it.

It was a wonderful "date" for us... out in the wild together. Looking forward to more of those in 2009!

Doug and Kay treated Louise and Laura to some R-n-R... Vegas style. They lived it up and had a great time... without the boys... and the young'ens. Just so the family knows, Clint and I are planning a "solo" trip to Mardi Gras next year... ;)

Below, Laura teaches the high rollers Louise and Kay how to play the slots.

Laura and Clint came over for Halloween, and the kids were able to hookup with their cousin Emelia for some treats and more treating... every year I'm amazed at how much candy those kids carry home. In less than a 1/2 hour, candy was overflowing out of Emelia's basket.

Out on the 20 Acres... peace and quiet... no commercials... no sponsorships... no corporate logos... Peace.

In November, a couple more mouths to feed joined the family... Ben's fish Flash, and Alli's cat Frankie. I know, silly hat for a dude cat, but what can you expect with a box full of dress up doll clothes lying around.

We headed to Grandma Sherry's and Granpa Mel's for Thanksgiving this year, unfortunately Louise had to work. Mom orchestrated a great feast and the family had many things to toast and be thankful for.

One day, Dan Zanes helped me realize that my life was getting too hectic and off track... after an epiphany moment, I began to slow down and spend more focused time with the kids. This video shows the warmth and joy that Dan Zanes' music brings to our family... He is my favorite artist for simultaneously entertaining kids and adults. Check him out online or if he visits your town!

Boy oh boy! Did it ever snow in December! While many people seem to freak out in Seattle when the white stuff pours down from the sky, the Lapchis family puts on the snowgear and heads out for some fun! And this year's storm was awesome!

Like Father, like Son... Ben and I hit the Forney Street "slopes".

Ben goes for some air...

Abbi even strapped on the board and went for a ride.

During one night of the storm, with the kids all tucked into bed, Louise and I snuck out for a little midnight fun in the snow...

I accumulated a bunch of short videos from the snow fun (snowboarding, sledding, etc.)... check them out here.

We had an adventurous outing to Grandma and Grandpa's House for Christmas Dinner, along with Laura, Clint and Emelia. With the crazy weather, we weren't sure how it would go. Luckily a window opened up, and we cruised out there through the white winter wonderland and a great Christmas Celebration. This year, the driveway had so much snow on it, we parked at the top of the hill (with our mini-van), and Doug was able to taxi us back and forth with his "chained-up" 4WD.

Doug and Kay are famous for getting out the Bon Appetit and cooking up a culinary masterpiece. Here Kay serves up a yummy Peppermint Swirl Dessert.

Doug, Clint, Louise and I were able to take advantage of the great snow and do some snowshoeing on Walker Mountain, while Kay and Laura looked over the kids and a new bun in the oven... how exciting Tia and Clint!

Unfortunately, our trip was cut short this year, with a case of the chicken pox cropping up. Abbi felt terrible, and we headed home a little earlier than planned.

The year ended with a little soiree at our place... Alli and Ben with early stages of chicken pox, a few stogies at midnight...

and my cutie twirling sparklers.

Well, there were so many pictures that I enjoyed this year (we upgraded to a nicer camera... and Louise was behind the lens as much as me, which helped contribute to so many shots.) that I want to just add some more goodies at the end here for memories sake.

Ben was the most willing to smile when the camera was near...

... Abbi generally would shy away, but we were still able to capture some good shots...

Abbi, having fun with friends on her birthday...

... and making a yummy dessert.

... and Alli was usually happy to have the camera around.

One more parting shot... I love the following image... it's a summer afternoon on our back deck... and I'm feeling happy and content. This warm and sunny spot is one of our favorites... L and I like to head out there for an evening drink and hors d'oeuvres... and the kids will soon follow. This shadow "portrait" is full of good memories.

All right my friends... there you have it. I debated whether or not to send this out to the list, but decided to one last time. This blog thing has morphed into much more detail than I had ever anticipated sharing with everyone. It's not that I mind sharing, but don't like the idea of pushing it on everyone... I am personally really enjoying looking back on what has transpired over the years, but that goes without saying. Thus, if you like what you see, bookmark it for next year.

I wish you all the best in 2009... believe me, we will all need it... Peace to you all!



Anonymous said...

Great update Dennis! Your family continues to be happy, healthy and enjoying life. You should sail down to Portland sometime :) Happy New Year!

Anonymous said...

Cool photos. I like the video incorporation this year too. Especially smashing your TV! Glad you sent this out and hope you continue to do so.